Adrian The Photographer— Commercial


Perfection is my standard. 

Working for bands is not an easy job but it's very fulfilling when done right. My goal in every project is to frame my client's ideas and add a bit of my artistic perspective to create astonishing images that not just define a brand's essence but also captivate an audience or market giving them a unique perspective of authenticity. 


Go to the eCommerce Photography Gallery

Go to the eCommerce Photography Gallery

eCommerce Photography

Pure white background. That's always the norm. Product photos for Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, etc. These platforms usually require certain standards and specs in quality, size, color, resolution, format, etc. which I aways make sure to meet.

My photographs differ from most of the ones you'll find on eCommerce platforms because they're NOT taken in a light-box or a light-tent. I take them in an actual studio where I create specific light setups for every product making their unique features stand out and merge together in a beautiful eye-catching photograph


Photos In this gallery include the following brands: Pred Technologies, Randomgrounds, Guess, Calvin Klein, Nine West, J.L. Rocha, BenQ, Vitality Extracts 10DollarMall, Soto Massini JemiRu Collections, Ziur Designs, Atmosphere Products & d'aplomb.

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Go to Ziur Designs' Gallery

Go to Ziur Designs' Gallery

Ziur Designs

This is an exotic jewelry brand in which every single design has its own peculiar characteristics. Each accessory is very unique and I love the authenticity of the brand because I get surprised with every new design I'm assigned to photograph. The best part about this company is that a percentage of their sales goes to "Give Clean Water Foundation",  a non-profit organization focused on bringing clean water systems to families, schools and nursing stations in rural Fiji. Yes, that's why that model is holding a glass of water.

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Go to Ziur Designs' Website

Go to Ziur Designs' Website

Go to J.L. Rocha's Gallery

Go to J.L. Rocha's Gallery

J. L. Rocha

José Luis Rocha is one of my favorite clients and one of the reasons is because their high-end products are handmade in my beloved Mexico but sold in many different countries. Taking photographs for José Luis has been a fulfilling job because when we're not doing catalog photos, he lets me get creative with his products trusting in my creative skills and this leads to extraordinary results. I feel prestigious to be the photographer of this elegant and luxurious line of clothing. 

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Go to J.L. Rocha's Website

Go to J.L. Rocha's Website

Go to Pred Technologies' Gallery

Go to Pred Technologies' Gallery

Pred Technologies

The most innovative speakers in the market! After this company found me and saw my work, they discarded all their other options because they loved my energy, my passion and my talent. In every photo shoot we have, I don't just do the all the photography but I'm also I'm assigned to do the scouting for models and locations. This makes my client's effort become almost null and the results are way better than if it was done differently because this way everything is taken care of by a professional in the industry.

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Go to Pred Technologies' Website

Go to Pred Technologies' Website

Go to Plástica Tijuana's Gallery

Go to Plástica Tijuana's Gallery

Plástica Tijuana

A photo shoot at the main OR (Operating Room) in the primary hospital of Tijuana with internationally recognized Plastic Surgeons Dr. Juan Pablo Cervantes and Dr. Jacqueline Aragón. It was just as awesome as it sounds (if not more) !

 I'm just thankful that the reason I was at an OR for the first time was because I was setting up a studio and taking photos of surgeons while wearing those blue medical scrubs.

The final photos made me feel like I had just created a Dr. House or a Grey's Anatomy poster. Accurate...?

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Go to Plastica Tijuana's Website

Go to Plastica Tijuana's Website

Go to Soto Massini's Gallery

Go to Soto Massini's Gallery

Soto Massini

Italian shoes are known to be the best of the best and Soto Massini isn't the exception. This Italian design flats feel like heaven, I tried using their insoles in my shoes and it was like walking on the clouds! Their german-engineered insoles have several layers of hi-tech materials that make you feel incredibly comfortable.

I can't express with words how happy I am to have such a big role in this project which has broken records raising almost $700,000 USD only on their Kickstarter Campaign.

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Go to Soto Massini's Website

Go to Soto Massini's Website

Go to 10 Dollar Mall / Moddeals / Shoemagoo's Gallery 

Go to 10 Dollar Mall / Moddeals / Shoemagoo's Gallery 

10 Dollar Mall • Moddeals • Shoemagoo

Modmerica Group welcomed me as soon as I moved to San Diego. I can say my career as a commercial photographer officially started here. It was the best job ever. I was the photographer in this company for months. We used to have photo shoots almost every business day since new clothes would arrive daily. I used to do all the photography with models, mostly for catalog but every now and then for editorial. It was a team work and I was big part of it. I would work along a makeup artist and hairstylist, I would direct models and take care of all the lighting in a big studio with a 6-Light setup. 10 Dollar Mall and Moddeals became Shoemagoo later on and I then would just take photos of shoes for Amazon, eBay and eCommerce in general. It was a stage in which I learned a lot and met a lot of people, I'll definitely never forget it.

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Go to 10 Dollar Mall's Instagram

Go to 10 Dollar Mall's Instagram

Go to Platports' Gallery

Go to Platports' Gallery


A toys' company that didn't have much experience in creating visual content found me and now they won't let me go! I've had multiple photo shoots with them in which not only I take the photos but I take care of all the production/ art direction. Scouting for models of all ages, finding ideal locations, creating mood-boards, schedules, coordinating with people, doing the styling, taking care of finding props, etc. are some of the tasks I take care of in every photo shoot we plan. I know it's a lot of work but that's what it takes to make the photo shoot experience very easy and smooth for the client.

Fisher Price ain't got nothin' on me. See it for yourself.

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Go to Platports' Website

Go to Platports' Website

Go to Maggie's Cake Shop's Gallery

Go to Maggie's Cake Shop's Gallery

Maggie's Cake Shop

Not just delicious but beautiful cakes and desserts! I've been taking photographs for Maggie's Cake Shop for a while now. My aunt owns this bakery located in Chula Vista, CA and she's been making these edible artworks for almost 20 years! This growing family business has pleased taste buds of Californians for years and I'm happy to be the photographer assigned to frame their deliciousness in my pictures.   

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Go to Maggie's Cake Shop's Website

Go to Maggie's Cake Shop's Website

Go to d'aplomb's Gallery

Go to d'aplomb's Gallery


"Clean, beautiful, natural living.  That is what d'aplomb is all about". Photographing these beautiful handcrafted Himalayan Salt Lamps was somewhat challenging because designing different settings and arranging so many props is not an easy job. At the end, all hard work pays off. We ended up with beautiful images that have contributed this brand to sell thousands!

It's always nice to be part of the beginning stages of a project and see them grow and do well. Lot's of new products coming soon!

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Go to Yvette Morales' Gallery

Go to Yvette Morales' Gallery

Yvette Morales Women's Wear

Fashion is one of my favorite types of photography and this photo shoot was one of the first legit fashion photo shoots I was part of thanks to the model's referral. It was a four hour long shoot that ended after everything was already completely dark and to be honest I was happy I didn't end the photo shoot before because one of my favorite shots was taken then. We had to use flashlights to walk around and the photo was actually a mix of long exposure and a portable flash. Even though the model was freezing, she managed to pose beautifully for the shot.

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Go to Yvette Morales' Instagram

Go to Yvette Morales' Instagram

Go to Personal Project's Gallery

Go to Personal Project's Gallery

Other Personal Projects

In this gallery I have photographs I created before actually going into the market or smaller gigs I did for clients in exchange of a service or even favors. These photos were created for the passion and fun of it, to experiment and learn. This is really where it all started...

Oh and by the way, that one is the first logo I ever used (A camera icon on the letter "O". Super original, right...?).

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